Tiger dance舞虎

After watching Malaysia’s first Chinese New Year movie Woohoo!. I'm started looking around the information about tiger dance. Happy to say, I have found some interesting about tiger dance and this tiger dance is also a part of chinese culture. MOST of us are familiar with lion and dragon dances, but the tiger dance, which also originates from China, is not commonly heard of in this part of the world. Like a lion dance, the tiger dance has its own kind of music with the drums, but the costume for the dancers embody the face and body of a tiger. There is even a striped, long tail. This animal also symbolises courage and vigorous energy, and it has been part of chinese culture for a long time. Besides that, “it is believed that when we perform a tiger dance during the Tiger year, there would be 60 years of good luck,”According to one source, the tiger dance originated about 300 years ago in the village of Lo Wu in Hainan. The village was at the time ruled by a celebrated female leader, Madam Xi. One of the ceremonies conducted whenever the local militia was about to leave the village for an expedition was the tiger dance.

舞狮、舞龙众所皆知,但君不知"舞虎"其实也是中华民间习俗,唯舞虎的渊源在本地无从考察,这门技艺也近乎失传. 自去年为迎合牛年而兴起的“舞春牛”后,今年也出现了舞虎,或许你在乍听之下会觉得这仅是“搞噱头”。但事实上,虎年舞虎的意义非凡,而华人早在数百年前就确有舞虎的习俗。


恰逢今年即将步入虎年,也在百分百本地制的贺岁电影《大日子woohoo!》的催化之下,让大马华人有机会以全新的角度,来探看这个300余年的中华文化。舞虎的动作较舞狮缓慢,且需以招式威猛、步伐稳重为主。"舞虎" 没有太多的花俏动作,主要动作为摇摆、静态和动态。惟却比舞狮费力。

This pair of bull,cow or ox dance have performed in penang last year

Someone putting the "tiger head"

"Tiger Dance"

Kicking start for 2010

This is the first post in 2010. Sorry for the lack of update. It quite a busy year for me as I have to face the big exam - SPM. I feel very nervous and I hope it will be a successful year for me. Today, En Ridzuan entered and start saying that this year is our last year and describing how old we are. Then I sudden feel pain in my heart. Yeah the day we are still in Form 1, when I still acting like kid, so fresh in my mind. But for now, few more months I have to say goodbye to school. I couldn't imagine that.

The school just begun for a week. Well I am enjoying the every moment in school. In prefects. In Class. When I’m free , usually in class, I will stop my current works, pay attention to my dearest classmates. Their movements, their idiot what… (checking for dictionary) .. yeah idiosyncrasies. Trying my best, to capture all this, into my mind, and bring it to the day I die.

Hopefully, time passes as slow as I want it to be…

About this blog

1.Born to be right handed. But use left hand to hold the spoon
while having the meal. Funny right!
2.If u wanna find out my life, now all u have to do is to read my blog. HAHA!
3.I am leading a few prefects in my school however this excludes
the head prefect and two of his assistants. Hope to be a leader one day!

Enjoy reading!

15 Malaysia


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