Malaysia 1st Chinese New Year Movie 马来西亚首部中文贺岁片段"大日子

电影故事围绕在五个不同背景的肖虎小子,误打误撞来到关丹一个小村向唯一的舞虎达人拜师学艺;经过状况百出、历尽艰苦的训练,五虎终于由一群乌合之众 变成舞虎传人。初次将本地罕见的舞虎这门习俗搬上大荧幕,这部电影不仅以构思和创作重现失传文化,也为本地中文电影打开了一扇希望之门

Holidays will kill me

I feel so heavy so depressed
what's doing this to me
There's nothing to do
The bordem is sucking the life out of me

One day had gone,
filled with retched hatred
I know I'm the one to blame
no one else
but why do I feel this hurt
my soul earns for comfort ,
You may think me selfish
but on this day where everthing was suppose to be about me
feels nothing more like a cursed Friday the 13th

EYE Closing Ceremony

Three days ago I was in Equatorial Hotel in Kuala lumpur for the closing ceremony and prize presentation for the EYE ( Exxonmobil Young Entrepreneur) program. First I would like to thank Ying Ho because he borrow me his shirt and don't be so curious when i wear student uniform not prefect uniform. I was so stupid and i don't want to talk this issue anymore. Kavita, Zhi Han, Wai Yan and Wai Ching were chosen among the company employees. I think it is a best decision althought we did not won the best presentation award. I still remember that Kah Man was sleeping when SMK Mutiara give their presentation.

We get the second place for the best company award and SMK Taman Counnaght won the first place. I was quite happy because we at least get two trophy. Besides that, I was excited because I had taken the photo with Dato Seri Mukhriz, Deputy Minister Of Interdational Trade and Industry. Everyone was happy at that moment and I think is a shock for me that we won second place. Our companies was RM6770.55 and it is quite a big number. Want to hear the last safety briefing?

I would thank to thank all the Protege Enterprise employees for your support althought I did not won the safety award. Actually this program had gave us the victory and bringing flame to our company and school. Last but not least, please take care of your wallets because i might be steel your money when the HR pay u the salaries. Haha!! This are the photo that I had taken during the closing ceremony. Please enjoy it.

Me and Dato Seri Mukhriz. Everyone is looking at us.

Pn seow, Wai Yan, Hima n Kavita

Kavita was explain our activities to Dato Mukhriz

Zhi Han was doing the presentation inside the bus

Our stall

Marcus n WenYANG

I'm giving my presentation after the closing ceremony

Thank you Ying Ho. Its enough

Holding the trophy

Joey,advisor of our company

Wai Yan and me

Prefect Hi-Tea

It's Form 4 prefects turn to organise the farewell party for Form 5. And the venue that Miss Ong chose was 'Royale Bintang' hotel. Although many prefects are not satisfied with the venue that have been chosen, but for me okay lah because it is much better than the previous year. But then, do u know what happened on that day? Only my blog will keep u informed. Haha and enjoy it.

The memorable board full of signature

Cecilia n Yan li

Me n Ellangovan

The teachers

My buddies

Joy receive certificate from En Ridzuan

Former head prefect receive certificate

Thank you Pn zarila


久违了大家, 时隔一个月,
相信这一个月来, 大家都很忙碌,

考完试后, 还得忙碌一阵子
还有两个星期, 就是假期了
相信也是时候跟Form 5 的学生说再见了
大家有谈有笑的, 非常开心

说到考试成绩, 我觉得实在太可惜了
因为我的华文试卷, 真的是让我有苦难言
对我而言, 考试就想是一场棋局

不管是现在或是以前, 成绩绝对是老师衡量

下个星期, 就是EYE 的闭幕仪式
他们赚到RM18000, 真的是很吓人
不过我们也来势汹汹, 绝对会与你是拼个你死我活

About this blog

1.Born to be right handed. But use left hand to hold the spoon
while having the meal. Funny right!
2.If u wanna find out my life, now all u have to do is to read my blog. HAHA!
3.I am leading a few prefects in my school however this excludes
the head prefect and two of his assistants. Hope to be a leader one day!

Enjoy reading!

15 Malaysia


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