《 原谅 》A time for forgive and forget

“Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri mohon maaf lahir dan batin”

Hari Raya is a time to reconcile and renew relationships with others. During the month of Ramadan leading up to Hari Raya, Muslims are not supposed to eat or drink from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan. Aidilfitri is celebrated for the whole month of Syawal, but in Malaysia, only the first two days are observed as public holidays. Besides that this is also a time to forgive and forget past quarrels. Asking for pardon is done in order of seniority. The younger members of a family approach their elders (parents, grandparents etc) to seek forgiveness, to salam (Muslim equivalent of a handshake), then kiss the hands of the older person as a sign of respect.


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About this blog

1.Born to be right handed. But use left hand to hold the spoon
while having the meal. Funny right!
2.If u wanna find out my life, now all u have to do is to read my blog. HAHA!
3.I am leading a few prefects in my school however this excludes
the head prefect and two of his assistants. Hope to be a leader one day!

Enjoy reading!