
We always knew that hope is not blind optimism.It's not ignoring the enormity of the task ahead of the road blocks that stand in our path.It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight.Hope is that thing inside us that insists,despite all evidence to the contrary,that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it,and to word for it,and to fight for it.Nobody is perfect right.So lets minimize the negative and maximize the positive together.


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About this blog

1.Born to be right handed. But use left hand to hold the spoon
while having the meal. Funny right!
2.If u wanna find out my life, now all u have to do is to read my blog. HAHA!
3.I am leading a few prefects in my school however this excludes
the head prefect and two of his assistants. Hope to be a leader one day!

Enjoy reading!

15 Malaysia


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